INside Innovation: Looking from the Inside Out
Edited by Dr. Alex Bennet and Dr. Rajat Baisya
With chapters by Preston Campbell (USA); Joyce Avedisian (USA); Chulatep Senivongse (Thailand); G. Ganesh Das and Rajat Kanti Baisya (India); Jim Burke (USA); Marivilla Lydia Bulan Aggarao (The Philippines), Alex Bennet (USA) and Ronald Vatananan-Thesenvitz (Thailand); Rajat K. Baisya and Madhusudan Bandyopadhyay (India); Arthur Shelley (Australia); Florin Gaiseanu (Romania and Spain); Johan Cools with Samara Hassoun (Belarus); Alex Bennet (USA) with Rory Chase (UK), Francisco Javier Carrillo (Mexico), Eric Tsui (Hong Kong) and Vincent Ribiére (Thailand); WB Lee (Hong Kong) with Eric Tsui (Hong Kong); and Vincent Ribiére (Thailand). Prologue by Leif Edvinsson (Sweden). Foreword by Massimo Prenolato (Italy).

About the book
As the driving force for value creation, innovation is the key imperative to survive in the current challenging business environment. In this book, Section I, innovation themes, and Section II, case studies, set the stage for Section III, an inside look at three diverse, internationally successful innovators and what drives them. Section IV explores the Most Innovative Knowledge Enterprise (MIKE) international awards and study program, providing the criteria as a benchmarking opportunity or your organization.
Praise for the book
‘INside INnovation’ is a compelling exploration into the multifaceted world of innovation. With a diverse array of articles that vary from narrative storytelling to research-based analysis, this book covers perspectives from individuals, companies, public organizations, and even entire nations. Each article, unique in its approach, becomes an integral piece of a larger puzzle.
Dr. Moria Levy, CEO, ROM Global, Israel
This book is a lively flame and vibrant call to learning and intelligent adaptation, benefiting oneself and the society one lives in, constantly in motion. (Excerpt from Foreword) Prof. Dr. Massimo Pregnolato, University of Pavia, Italy
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